This week has been another snow filled week! We have pretty much been snowed in all week! It was very fun to play in the snow and go for winter wonderland walks, but being couped up in the house is getting very old. Especially for someone as social and active as we are! All the week's events were cancelled, except Rob and I were still blessed with the opportunity to have our first date without the baby. My parents came to watch Jaxon, and we just roamed around the mall and had dinner out. It was very nice, but we found ourselves constantly wondering how the baby was doing, and ended up coming home early because we missed him so much!
We are hoping that we can get out to enjoy the holiday with the permitting. It is such a blessing to celebrate our Lord's birth with our little Jaxon this year. Last year at this time, we had only hoped we would have a little one on the way soon! Now we cannot imagine another holiday without him! He brings such joy to our lives.
Along with this, you will find a few of our precious moments during these wintery days. May the Lord bless you and keep you this very Merry Christmas!
Our sweet boy... 
Snuggling after naps with Daddy is the best!
I went to get him up from his nap, and he had his hand in his pocket!

Jaxon is fascinated with this whole texting thing!