Saturday, August 29, 2009

Get Your Flirt on at the M's Game

Little J-Man had a new first yesterday! He got to go to his first Mariner's game!!! Our good friend Sarah just happened to have an extra ticket (mainly because our hubbie's had a show), so Jax and I jumped aboard and rooted for the home-team! Keep in mind that Jax's bedtime is 7 pm, which is when the game started. That sure didn't stop him from enjoying every minute! He was in awe over the whole scene. He had two little buddies there too, (Chloe who is 3 months and Dominic who is a couple week younger than him) who also did wonderfully!

These days Jax has gotten the whole flirting thing down to an art. There were two ladies sitting next to us and two ladies behind us, and he smiled and flirted away the whole time. Initiating peek-a-boo, sticking out his tongue, blowing rasberries and babbling to them were just a few of his tricks to get them roped in. By the end of the game he had seen the laps of many women! 3 hours past bedtime, and he was still going strong! Yes, Jaxon got his flirt on at the M's game and enjoyed every minute.

The M's won and despite a 2 hour drive home due to some maniac in North Seattle with a automatic rifle, we had a wonderful evening!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Praise Him

Psalm 86:12 "I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The day finally came! We had been expecting that it would come soon, but thought it would be a few weeks out yet. And yet, ready they were! We picked our first crop of apples today from our back yard! Auntie Adelle and Cousin Owen were over visiting this afternoon when Adelle noticed the apples looked pretty ripe! We cut up one and sure enough...ripe they were! YUMMY!
As you can see, Jaxon was just as excited! He loved playing with the apples and he also took a stab at eating them....(although he mostly just sucked the juice out).
What will we do with all these delicious apples you might ask? Well make apple pie of course!
Next up...blackberry picking!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Have I ever mentioned how much I love my little guy?

Yes he gets into everything these days, especially the things he's not supposed to...

And yes, he has his crabby moments, especially when he doesn't get enough sleep...

And of course, he tends to ask for "Dada" much more than "Mama" these days...

But it doesn't matter, cause I can't help but love the little guy more and more each day. Especially when he crawls right up to me with his big grin, pulls himself up close to me, and wraps his chubby little arms around my neck tight JUST to give me hugs!
I don't think God could've given us a more perfect package deal than He did with this little boy. He was hand-created and hand-picked just for Rob and I and we are so thankful.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Last week my friend Karlie and her little girl Abby came for a visit. We had fun playing in the back yard, going to the swimming pool, visiting family, and making lots of Starbucks runs! One of the best moments was when Karlie played "Tickle Monster" with Jaxon. What a fun moment! What a fun time we had and look forward to having them again soon!

Future Drummer

Tonight the band guys were over at our house getting ready to practice, and Jaxon took it upon himself to entertain them all! He wanted to communicate with everyone including smiling, babbling, and sticking out his tongue at the guys (his new trick)! I'm surprised for being such a mellow little guy, that he would be so social and the "life of the party" so to speak.

Jaxon got his first drum lesson from his dad and the guys. He LOVED it! (And I also heard Nanna Carol gave him his first piano lesson yesterday. He should be well versed in many insturments!) This video is a little fuzzy since it was taken with my cell phone and it was right by the speaker but you get the idea.

Oh and on another note, I might as well update we officially have a crawler! FINALLY!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Warning! Warning! Do not get in the wake of this little man's destruction. He is rutheless and could be after you too!

Not sure if you can tell, but in the background of this picture you will find the garbage can (from our kitchen) strewn all over the floor in our living room. =)

We've already broken Daddy's speaker stand, crashed Mamma's candles to the ground, ripped up one of Mamma's books, nearly pulled the table cloth (with dishes on it) off the table, and had a near collision when he almost pulled a lamp down by yanking the chord.

Seriously, someone should really be watching this kid! Where is his mother?


Thought this video was cute. A lot of times I will make a video of Jax on my cell phone to send do Rob at work. He always gets so excited, but the funny one about this is that it actually sounds like he is trying to say "love you". Not sure if he is or not...but it's cute nonetheless!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10 Months Old!

10 months old, and we can hardly believe it! This little blue-eyed, blondie has quite the personality these days. Full of prefrences and spunk, he keeps us on our toes.
  • At 10-months, Jaxon has hit the 20 lb. mark (between the 50th & 75th percentile) and is still in the 99th percentile for height.
  • He's sporting 6 little teeth (4 bottom, 2 top) and 2 more making their way as we speak! He hasn't been too fussy despite the teething.
  • Jaxon is still really easy-going and laid back, however he is definitely showing us his opinionated side. He will surely let us know when he doesn't like something or when he wants our attention.
  • He is still a talker. Extremely vocal...and not only that...he is LOUD! We are trying to teach him "quiet voice" but it's hard to contain his excitement. =)
  • Jaxon LOVES animals and knows how to "roar" like a lion and "meow" like a kitty.
  • Some of his favorite foods recently are yogurt, bread, pasta, black beans, strawberries, & turkey!
  • We have encountered some separation anxiety...mostly when we leave the room, however he still consistently goes to other people and in fact, reaches out towards the one's he loves.
  • Jaxon recently has learned to stand holding onto things and can make his way across furniture while holding on.
  • While he gets on all fours on his own and can get a little ways, he still prefers scootin' and rolling. He definitely doesn't have a problem getting to where he wants to go. We think he is trying to skip crawling, but we aren't encouraging it.
  • Still a great sleeper! He goes down between 7 and 7:30 pm and wakes up anywhere between 6:30 and 7:00 am. He has two naps that are about 1-2 hours each (on a good day!)
  • Favorite things to do are visit friends, listen to music with Daddy, dance with Mommy, play peek-a-boo, go swimming at the pool, play with cell phones or remote controls, eat food, take baths, go for walks, play at the park, visit Nanna & Grampa, play catch with the ball, and take apart anything he can get his hands on!
  • And finally, Jaxon is now fully POTTY TRAINED! Just kidding! Hey, I thought it was funny. =)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Wow! I've been absent in the blogging-world for a long time now. I'm not dead, just super busy. One of the down-sides of doing photography as a business, is that at times I don't have much time to do my own photos or blog. Business really picked up the last several weeks, but after today, I should get a chance to blog more.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! I love what I do! Ever since I felt like God was urging me to quit my cleaning jobs and lean on him to provide photo-shoots, things have been busy! He has yet to back-down from his promise! We have really been leaning on God to provide for us, especially because the majority of Rob's income is commission. Month after month God has been faithful. I won't lie, things had been extremely tight for several months (actually since I left my job to be a mommy). Stress has tried to rear it's ugly head and fear had been knocking on the door, but we do the best we can and give the rest to God and trust that He will lead us and provide how He deems necessary for our family. Thankfully, Rob has been successful at his job and is in the top 20 salesman in the region! Better yet, he actually LOVES his job! Praise God! The Lord has really taught us to be content in any situation (especially financially). We've learned to make the best of a little, and learned to be wise with more!

On a different note, Jaxon is now 10-months-old, and I am still in shock that he will be a year in 2 short months! A 10-month update with photos will arrive soon!