Friday, September 26, 2008

Maternity Photos

It's been quite some time since I've written. Things have been very busy around here and not much slowing down for the Harris family! I am 39 weeks and only 5 days until my due date. I have had one false alarm so far! I am 1+ cm. dialated 50% effaced...(is that how it's spelled?). The baby is low but no action or many changes over this week. We were really excited last week thinking he would be here any day, but now I am beginning to think I will be pregnant forever! We can't wait to meet our little boy!

I am continuing to work as I am training my replacement at Northshore Christian Church, but am hoping to be done next week. When I am not working, I am busy "nesting" and preparing for the arrival. Bags packed, car seat in the car!

Rob is doing well at his new job and has been busy in the evenings recording an album for his band OverKast this month.

My sister Amy took some maternity photos for Rob and I last week...(Thanks Sis!). Above are a few of our favs!


Emily said...

Hey U, just wanted to say i think these pics are gorgeous and i can't wait to see Jaxon not in your perfectly round tummy. I love you lots and am super excited for you :)

Charissa Steyn said...

Hi Kristen!! I have not heard from you in sooo long. You have been on my mind so much lately, I know you are doing at any moment. I am praying for a smooth and quick delivery!! Can't wait to see pics and to hear from you:) I will be home at Christmas!! Looking forward to seeing you!
Love to you, Charissa

Bella Photography by Brenda said...

Kristen, I've been wondering who took photos for the "photographer" preggy mom but at the end of your article I see that you sis did this for you. Wonderful gift to your little family of 3! Stunning shots!