Wow! I've been absent in the blogging-world for a long time now. I'm not dead, just super busy. One of the down-sides of doing photography as a business, is that at times I don't have much time to do my own photos or blog. Business really picked up the last several weeks, but after today, I should get a chance to blog more.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! I love what I do! Ever since I felt like God was urging me to quit my cleaning jobs and lean on him to provide photo-shoots, things have been busy! He has yet to back-down from his promise! We have really been leaning on God to provide for us, especially because the majority of Rob's income is commission. Month after month God has been faithful. I won't lie, things had been extremely tight for several months (actually since I left my job to be a mommy). Stress has tried to rear it's ugly head and fear had been knocking on the door, but we do the best we can and give the rest to God and trust that He will lead us and provide how He deems necessary for our family. Thankfully, Rob has been successful at his job and is in the top 20 salesman in the region! Better yet, he actually LOVES his job! Praise God! The Lord has really taught us to be content in any situation (especially financially). We've learned to make the best of a little, and learned to be wise with more!
On a different note, Jaxon is now 10-months-old, and I am still in shock that he will be a year in 2 short months! A 10-month update with photos will arrive soon!