Sunday, August 23, 2009

Future Drummer

Tonight the band guys were over at our house getting ready to practice, and Jaxon took it upon himself to entertain them all! He wanted to communicate with everyone including smiling, babbling, and sticking out his tongue at the guys (his new trick)! I'm surprised for being such a mellow little guy, that he would be so social and the "life of the party" so to speak.

Jaxon got his first drum lesson from his dad and the guys. He LOVED it! (And I also heard Nanna Carol gave him his first piano lesson yesterday. He should be well versed in many insturments!) This video is a little fuzzy since it was taken with my cell phone and it was right by the speaker but you get the idea.

Oh and on another note, I might as well update we officially have a crawler! FINALLY!

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