The day finally came! We had been expecting that it would come soon, but thought it would be a few weeks out yet. And yet, ready they were! We picked our first crop of apples today from our back yard! Auntie Adelle and Cousin Owen were over visiting this afternoon when Adelle noticed the apples looked pretty ripe! We cut up one and sure enough...ripe they were! YUMMY!

As you can see, Jaxon was just as excited! He loved playing with the apples and he also took a stab at eating them....(although he mostly just sucked the juice out).
What will we do with all these delicious apples you might ask? Well make apple pie of course!
Next up...blackberry picking!
AH! I am SO jealous! I absolutely LOVE apples!
wow! that is so cool that they are in your backyard!
we have been blackberry picking a ton...I think they are almost gone here. =(
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