Monday, March 1, 2010

Laundry Day

For some reason Jaxon is fascinated and completely obsessed with water. Between the washing machine, the dishwasher and the bathtub, we are hearing, "Where is da wa-wa?" constantly. It isn't any wonder then, why Jaxon loves Mondays. Mondays are laundry days in the Harris house, and he loves to push the hamper into the laundry room and take out the clothes. He then sits on the dryer and helps poor the soap in and just watches with a smile as the water pours in. But none of this occurs until AFTER he spends some time hanging out in the hamper. Here are a few photos of Jaxon's Monday morning in the hamper.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh my goodness he looks so old in these! I can't believe it, even from the ones last month he looks like he has grown 2 years! He is so gorgeous Kristin, I love you both!