It was almost as if a light bulb came on the day Jaxon turned a year old. It seemed as if he knew full well that he was a "big boy" now, and he needed to act as such. Each day he is less and less a baby and more and more a toddler. As much as I am missing the little baby ways, this stage is full of fun as well.
Nevermind the fact that our once perfect sleeper is now protesting sleep. Nevermind the fact that he is more and more set in his ways, and determined as ever to get what he wants...even if it means he needs to burst into tears and throw a fit. Nevermind the fact that first year molars, illness, and bumps and bruises have turned our once mellow, easy-going monkey into a cranky, clingy little guy. Never mind those things...cause we choose to look at the positive around here!
This age has many more exciting things up it's sleeve. Jaxon is developing quite the sense of humor. His comprehension of what we say to him has sky-rocketed. Verbally, he is spitting out new words almost daily. He is pretty darn close to walking on his own, can open doors, turn on and off anything he can get his hands on, and his newest feat...

Using a spoon by himself!Nevermind the fact that our once perfect sleeper is now protesting sleep. Nevermind the fact that he is more and more set in his ways, and determined as ever to get what he wants...even if it means he needs to burst into tears and throw a fit. Nevermind the fact that first year molars, illness, and bumps and bruises have turned our once mellow, easy-going monkey into a cranky, clingy little guy. Never mind those things...cause we choose to look at the positive around here!
This age has many more exciting things up it's sleeve. Jaxon is developing quite the sense of humor. His comprehension of what we say to him has sky-rocketed. Verbally, he is spitting out new words almost daily. He is pretty darn close to walking on his own, can open doors, turn on and off anything he can get his hands on, and his newest feat...

Ok, well not completely by himself, but he is getting the idea of dipping the spoon and putting it into his mouth.
He eventually came to the conclusion that using his hand was much easier...
Yes, being a toddler seems to agree with our "big boy"!
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