Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Let me in, Dad"

We've mastered pulling up, we've mastered cruising along furniture, we've mastered climbing the stairs, we've mastered walking with our walker, we've mastered standing up by ourselves for a bit at a time...but not sure if I'm quite ready for this...

Really? He's trying to open doors now? Jax often stands outside the door waiting for his Daddy to get done with his shower so he could play with him. (Actually the most likely reason is that he simply loves unraveling the toilet paper rolls...but don't tell Rob that.) Anyway, as I was Jaxon decided he had enough of the waiting and if Daddy wasn't going to come out, he'd just go in. Thankfully he hasn't QUITE figured out how to open it...but geez...this kid is on a roll over the last two weeks! You'd think he was nearing a birthday or something!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Thats so awesome! Watch out mama!