Monday, February 9, 2009

Toothy Grins

Well last week, we had quite a surprise. Out of nowhere, our sweet, mellow little boy became fussy and clingy. Occassionally when feeding him, he would let out these screams so high that I call him my little Mariah Carey. The first time he did this...Rob and I both looked at eachother completely dumbfounded. Well, soon we found out that our little overachiever was cutting not one, but two teeth! One is out completely and the other is working it's way through as we speak! Four months seemed a little young to me, but apparantly I cut my first tooth at 4 months. Thankfully after a couple of days, he began to feel better and is back to his normal routine. I keep trying to get pics of these little guys, but he has this new trick of whenever I try to see his teeth, he sticks out his eventually I will get some.

Just in the last two days we are starting to see a sense of humor out of our little man. He now belly laughs at us when we sing or do something funny. Yesterday morning after my shower I went in to check on Jaxon as I had just laid him down for his morning nap. I had a towel wrapped on my head, and when he saw me...he busted up laughing as to say, "silly mommy". He seems to remember what's coming next now...especially when we are making his bottle or getting the bath ready. What a delight he is to us!


Unknown said...

I love the belly laughs, they just never get old! I love how you never know what is going to be funny next :) Maiya never let us see her teeth either- I figured out a good trick was to lay her in my lap on her back and tilt her back "going upside down." She'd always open her mouth wide with happiness and you could see the little pearls!

Unknown said...
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