
It's a day after returning from a weekend trip to Leavenworth, and I am more exhausted than when I left. That's not to say it wasn't worth it though. Our family goes to "the Cabin" every year around this time. We had planned to fit all 14 of us in a 3 bedroom cabin...(it is very large cabin, but still...14 people is a lot to cram in) including two four-month-olds, but alas 4 of the crew didn't make it due to the flu and Rob had to work over the weekend. So instead, it became a sibling trip of sorts! There wasn't a ton of snow...but still enough to have tons of fun. On Saturday morning we went for a hike. It turned out to be a bit crazy trucking through the snow on a very steep trail (what a workout!)...but it was totally worth it to see the view. Adelle and I hiked up with our kiddos in baby bjorns (I love that thing). We also did cross country skiing and played lots of games. It was so nice to have the cousins all together...my sister's kiddos are so good with the babies!
Jaxon did so well on his first trip away from home. We rode down and back with my sister and her family. Three adults + three kids+ one baby+ all the luggage and snow gear=one crazy packed SUV and lots of laughs. At the cabin, we ended up with our own room, and he slept like a charm. Naps got a little off during the day from all the activity, but he napped twice as long his first day back home. =) Being that Rob was back home, I got a little glimpse of what it would be like to be a single mom...I can't tell you how thankful I am to have a wonderful husband who is an amazing Daddy. We missed him so much, even after only a couple of days. Jaxon was ALL SMILES when we walked into that house and was held in his Daddy's arms for the first time all weekend. He adores Rob so much, and Rob adores him...I love it!
What a wonderful trip it was! I am so thankful the Lord has blessed us with such an amazing family. I just love them so much. =) Here are just a few photos from our trip to enjoy. Some of these are taken by my sister Amy as well. Stay tuned for next week's trip to Oregon!
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