Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chatter Box

Lately we have had quite a little chatter box on our hands. Our little Monkey has been trying ever so hard to communicate with us. He has no problem getting as loud as he possibly can to make his point either! We aren't completely sure how much he knows what he is saying yet...but we are leaning toward thinking he DOES know quite a bit of what he is saying.

Monkey see-monkey do is also a favorite of his. This is the age where we really start watching what we say and do cause he will pretty much copy anything. Case in point, the other day at the beach, Uncle Matt was coughing. Jaxon watched, and decided he too needed to cough as well. At first we thought it was a coincidence, but every time Uncle did it, Jaxon would do it too with a huge grin on his face,

Jaxon's favorite words as of late:

"Mama" - he normally says this when he is upset and when he wants "up". He calls this out every morning when he wakes up.

"Dada" - he normally says this when he is really happy or excited or when Daddy is's higher pitched and accompanied with a smile. We find it interesting that he tends to say "Mama" when he is upset and "Dada" when he's excited, don't you? (Enter sarcasm here.)

"Nana" - Nana is a newer one for him. "Nana" is what we call my mom or J's Grandmother. Jaxon had been around my mom for several days last week. I was a bit taken back when Jaxon decided to call out for "Nana" all day instead of "Mama". For a whole day my name was replaced with hers. I would seriously like to know what she bribed him with.

"Oat" - He says this a ton lately. We think the only reason he says it so much is because he thinks the letter "t" sounds cool since the "t" is emphasized so much when he says it.

"No, No, No" - This is another one he uses much to his advantage...normally he says this when he is protesting something or dislikes something. We are pretty sure he knows what this one means. Yesterday, when he was seeing his Dr. and she was trying to get him to do something he wasn't fond of, he looked her in the eye and with much protest shouted, "NO, NO, NO!" She was was quite impressed saying she never heard a 9-month old tell her "no" so appropriately before!

"Oh no!" - This was new as of yesterday and was a copy-cat thing. He dropped my cell phone on the floor and I said, "Oh no!" He looked down at the floor and repeated, "Oh NOOOOOOO!"

"OWWW!" - Another copy-cat. For example, this morning:

Mommy: "Good morning, Jaxon!"

Jaxon: (whining)

Mommy: "Do you want your bottle?"

Jaxon: (head butts me)

Mommy: "OWWW!"

Jaxon: "OWWW!"

I'm not totally sure how he's gotten to be such a chatter box. If any of you know Rob or I, you know neither of us likes to talk much. So, it's certainly not hereditary! Lol! (Again, enter sarcasm.)

1 comment:

Emily said...

how fun! I can't wait for this! Right now katey just says "babababa" and I really think it means everything from "yay this is fun" to "get me out of here!"