The countdown is on. Only one more month til the big 1! Not that we are really counting down...we are soaking in every minute! They seem to fly by faster and faster each day!

This month Jaxon is busier than ever. Perfecting his army crawl, he is into everything he can possibly get his hands on. His specialty is opening and closing doors and drawers. He also has a liking for Daddy's computer and guitar.

He is getting more fun to take places and is becoming quite the little social butterfly! His favorite places to go are the park, petting zoo, swimming pool, and Nanna's house.

Jaxon is starting to experiment more and more with language...imitating our vocal fluctuations...If I talk really high and excited, so will he. If I say, "No, no," in a low voice, so will he.

His favorite songs right now are "ABC's", & "Itsy Bitsy Spider". His favorite book that he reads over and over is "Hop on Pop!" He squeals with excitement whenever I ask if he wants to read it.

New favorite foods are Mac & Cheese, and Chicken Noodle Soup! Oh and Daddy has been sneaking him marshmallows too. =)

We can tell he is understanding more and more of what we say these days. If we say "Bye, Bye" he begins to wave. If I ask him if he wants food, he will crawl to his high chair. If I say "Night, Night time" he whines. If we say, "Go get it", he will fetch (well most of the time.) And if we say "Hug" he will put his head on our shoulder. If we say "Come to Mamma or Daddy", (again most of the time) he will come get us.
What a fun stage this is!
oh! he is getting big! what fun they are!
Sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to see you guys!
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