My wonderfully fantastic sister-in-law started a little group for a bunch of Mommies with toddlers who want to provide a structured and focused time of interactive play and socializing for our babies, as well as a fun outlet for moms! Each Thursday a different mom in the group will plan an activity for us all to meet at...for example, we may choose to go to the zoo, a park, the Children's museum...etc! This week just a few of us met up and discussed how the group will look and had a little mini-playdate.
Unfortunately, I pulled out my camera near the end and only got a few of the kiddos, but as you can tell...they sure had fun!
Here are a few shots of the kids on the swings (a favorite activity!)

I know you have no idea who this little tyke is...=)

Remember this little guy? It's Jaxon's cousin Owen!

This little cutie pie is Sasha! Sasha is just a couple weeks younger than the boys.

Couldn't you just eat her up???
All three of them swinging away and loving every minute! I think it's funny how Jax is just chillaxin in the swing...but then again...he is his father's child.

I just can't get enough of her sweet little dimples! Precious!

...this little man was all grins the whole time and even braved the slides and the wobbly bridge!
Auntie loving on little Jack Jack!
Looks like they will all get along just fine and should be a fun group!
1 comment:
getting so big!
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