Thursday, May 21, 2009

God is in Control

This look just about sums up our week:

I think this week has probably been one of the most heart wrenching weeks I've had in my seven months of being a Mamma.

I will share more as I am able, but for now we would really covet your prayers. Short story is that I have had some health concerns regarding Jaxon and addressed them to his pediatrician. She ran a blood test and it came back abnormal....well, "slightly" abnormal. This may mean absolutely nothing and could be a blip in the test, but just to be safe he is being referred to Children's Hospital in Seattle to get further evaluated. (He's not staying there, just will be going soon to run more tests.) The good news is that the test ruled out our worst-case scenario which could've been life-altering for Jaxon and us for that matter. Bad news is we aren't sure WHY it is abnormal and it needs to be adressed.

Can I just say how amazingly difficult it is to be in the "waiting" period of all this? Not knowing what is going on and all these different scenarios running through my head...and I just have to sit back and wait? Given, this could end up being absolutely nothing, or it could be "something" and I just don't know. I hate not knowing.

What I DO know, however, is that God is in control and loves Jaxon immensly more than my husband and I can ever love him. He is aware of what is going on and is involved every step of the way. Even though I catch myself trying to "take back" the control (which is silly, cause I really have very little control over the situation), ultimately I can rest easy giving the control to God (who has the control in the first place.)

I will post more as I have updates and may expand a little more on the details later. Right now it's all very fresh and am still trying to process it all. In the meantime, please pray for our little guy if you could, and say a prayer for his concerned Mom and Dad. =) We appreciate you!


Our growing family said...

oh, oh, oh!!!
I will be praying! You are right, God is good and He is in control! Rest in His faithful arms today!
Love the new pics on the side! Brilliant! =)

Emily said...

Hey hon, just read your post and definitly am praying. I lost my phone but if you could call me I'd love to get your number and talk. Love you so much girl!