Thursday, January 28, 2010

Photoshoot Playdate

1-box of goldfish & a little leather chair
2-radio-flyer bicycles & photog-crazed mamma's
3-adorable kiddos....
And a big spacious field makes for a very fun photography playdate. =)

Looking like such a big boy on this bike!

So proud of himself sitting in his big-boy chair...

Sharing the goods with Elijah.

Jaxon and Mila's first date. =)

And in other news, Jaxon is FINALLY fully up and running around (yes, it is a bit late to be walking, but my son tends to like to do things in his own time. Kind of like his mother and father I suppose). He'd been taking steps here and there for a couple months, but just didn't seem interested in taking the plunge. My friend Julie gave him "Squeaker" shoes that squeak when he walks now, and he is ever so proud of himself! Rob and I laugh so hard when he comes prancing throught the house with them on...however, I'm sure the squeaking will get old eventually.

Tomorrow, we leave for our family trip to Leavenworth! So excited to get away!

Monday, January 25, 2010

It's the Little Things

Today I focused on the little things...

sleeping in until 7:30 (trust me, this is a good thing).

chubby, dimpled hands giving me big hugs around the neck and patting me on the back.

getting home from a workout and hearing a little raspy voice say, "Oh, there's Mamma!"

iced green tea (even on a cold day).

Coldplay & John Mayer playing on Pandora in the background.

the sun briefly making an appearance.

getting 20 minutes in to read a book just for fun.

sky-high faux hawk bouncing around the house....pushing the cats out of the way to make sure he has the bubbles all to himself. =)

talking to dear friends on the phone who love me and encourage me.

3 people scheduling photoshoots.

enjoying books with Jaxon at the library and the thrill of watching his little face light up when he sees the fish tank.

a phone call from my husband checking to see how I'm doing.

rocking a cuddly boy in dinosaur pajamas to sleep...watching his little chest rise and fall blues with long eyelashes setting off to dreamland. singing to him, praying for him.

It's the little things I choose to focus on today.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

As You Can See...

As you can see...

I have NOT been keeping up with my picture a day goal. While I love taking pictures and blogging, I am just finding that there isn't enough time to dedicate to doing it every day. I kind of set myself up to fail on that one. I CAN however state with much certainty that I will most likely have posted 365 pictrues by the end of the year...just not one a day.

I have recently cut back my time on the computer to times only when Jaxon is asleep. It's been far less distracting to me and I've been a much more attentive mommy. =)

Also, as you can see...we have a future mini rockstar on our hands! He has been SO much fun the last week. Such a fun age and full of personality.

And you can see...
We still are displaying our independence quite nicely at times. =)

Friday, January 8, 2010


Jaxon really likes books. Scratch that....LOVES books. He'll go look at books on his own often throughout the day. I'll catch him pointing to the pictures and saying some of the words he remembers. Part of his routine is reading two or three books at night before bed with binky and blankie. The other night Daddy did the reading and I was able to catch this shot. I love these guys!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Picture of the day today is from a photoshoot I had recently:

Ok, so how could you not squish those precious little cheekies??? This is one of my dearest friend's little girl Chloe! She's not just full of personality and spunk, but she is IN LOVE with ME! =) Yep that's right...she love her Auntie Kristin! And how could I not love her back????

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I love these baby camo pants. I also love how Jaxon stands on his tippy-toes to see in the window. =) Makes me smile.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Crabby, Teething Toddlers Look Something Like This...

What on earth happened to my sweet, smiling, happy-go-lucky child, you say? Where did he go?
I'm not sure, but if you find him, I'll give you a $1000 reward!
Between getting over a cold, cutting four teeth at once, and trying to figure out why on earth he can't have his way 100% of the time, Jaxon is anything but thrilled with the world over the last few days.
I've been shocked at the tantrums my usually content boy has been having. I have to admit I've questioned more than once my parenting strategies...even questioned what I was doing wrong. Read and re-read the parenting manuals on raising toddlers.
Verdict is: he just simply takes after his father. Kidding of course, (Love you, Honey). No, he is just human and is having a rough week.
If I'm perfectly honest, this picture is probably how I feel at times, I just have more coping skills on self-control than a 15-month-old.
If any of you experienced Mommy's out there have tips or stories on toddler tantrums though, please feel free to share!

Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm not Perfect. (And Day 1 of Project 361)

(Project 365: posting a picture a day for the entire year, except that I'm starting late so it's technically Project 361. Sigh. Many are doing it and you should too! Comment on this post with your link so I can follow your photo journey as well!)

Well it's a new year! In some ways, this year has been wonderful, and in other ways, it has been difficult.

Looking back at the year, there have been many answered prayers, and some yet to be answered. Some things have gone as planned and others have gone anything but what I'd planned.

Nevertheless, the Lord has been good and shown his faithfulness in spite of it all. This life is a journey and if I've learned anything this last's that I do not have control. As much as I fight to attain it, I have very little power over the circumstances of my life. I cannot control the economy. I cannot control my independent-minded 1-year-old, who has a plan of his own. I cannot control my husband, nor my friends, nor my job to a certain extent. I can't control whether or not a client will like my product, or I'll get 8 hours of sleep that night. Of course there are things I DO have control in, but in most areas...I have very little control in a lot of things.

This may surprise you, but I'm not perfect. (Sarcasm inserted here.) My whole life I've fought to find control in being "perfect". Even the last year, I struggled with the thought, that if I just did everything perfectly, things would go well and I would be in control. If I was the perfect wife, if I kept the house perfectly clean, if I had perfect photo shoots, if I was the perfect mom, if I was the perfect size...(you get the picture), that things would go my way and I'd live happily ever after. My mind would love it if life was math and A + B always =C. Sometimes A + B = C, but most of the time life throws you a curve-ball and that kind of irritates me.

So last year I wasn't perfect, I wasn't in control, and this year will be the same. And you know what? I'm beginning to be okay with that. This year has left me completely humble and in a position where my faith is no longer in myself but in something greater. I'm no longer the god of MY universe...and it's a good thing too, cause I really mess things up on my rampage for perfection. There is something comforting in acceptance. I'm a lot less anxious and more pleasant to be around when I discovered it's out of my control. Now I don't have to carry these crazy burdens on my back and try to find the right "equation" to make it better. It's instead, drawn me closer to my Maker. I find when I'm at the end of myself, God meets me there and carries me the rest of the way.

I don't always know what he is fact, a lot of times I fight him on it, (cause apparently I know so much more than Him.) But there is something comforting in the fact that the God of the Universe is in control of my life and is weaving it perfectly into His plan. And not just weaving my beautiful moments when all is "perfect", but weaving all the crap and horrible moments you'd just rather erase. (In fact, so far in my life those "unequal equations" make for some of the most beautiful outcomes in the end!) Just knowing that he cares about my struggles and all He wants to do is meet me there and love me through it all, blows me away. I stop fighting and thinking and instead let it go and give it to Him. Seriously...I have no control over it anyway, so why am I wasting so much time on it?

So this year...being perfect and in control is completely overrated and is so last year. =)