Wednesday, January 20, 2010

As You Can See...

As you can see...

I have NOT been keeping up with my picture a day goal. While I love taking pictures and blogging, I am just finding that there isn't enough time to dedicate to doing it every day. I kind of set myself up to fail on that one. I CAN however state with much certainty that I will most likely have posted 365 pictrues by the end of the year...just not one a day.

I have recently cut back my time on the computer to times only when Jaxon is asleep. It's been far less distracting to me and I've been a much more attentive mommy. =)

Also, as you can see...we have a future mini rockstar on our hands! He has been SO much fun the last week. Such a fun age and full of personality.

And you can see...
We still are displaying our independence quite nicely at times. =)

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