What on earth happened to my sweet, smiling, happy-go-lucky child, you say? Where did he go?
I'm not sure, but if you find him, I'll give you a $1000 reward!
Between getting over a cold, cutting four teeth at once, and trying to figure out why on earth he can't have his way 100% of the time, Jaxon is anything but thrilled with the world over the last few days.
I've been shocked at the tantrums my usually content boy has been having. I have to admit I've questioned more than once my parenting strategies...even questioned what I was doing wrong. Read and re-read the parenting manuals on raising toddlers.
Verdict is: he just simply takes after his father. Kidding of course, (Love you, Honey). No, he is just human and is having a rough week.
If I'm perfectly honest, this picture is probably how I feel at times, I just have more coping skills on self-control than a 15-month-old.
If any of you experienced Mommy's out there have tips or stories on toddler tantrums though, please feel free to share!
I too feel like this some days! =)
Poor baby.
You don't want to hear stories...don't ever ask for stories! =)
Verses: Is. 40:11, my favorite for this season...God is carring and gentle with you.
Book: I just read Romancing Your Childs Heart by Monte Swan and I loved it...it reminded me so much of how little the a+b=c parenting books don't work for Keaton (or many children). Just as Jesus has drawn us to Himself in a relationship, it's what our kids need too.
Hold him, break rules and just snuggle and leave the house a mess all day. It's all that will mater in the end.
Keep on sista! Your doing great!
He is so precious!
I don't have kids, but I understand. :)
I would just say, don't forget to look to the Lord for guidance, and rejoice in the fact that Jaxon is being brought up in a home that loves the Lord!
Wish I could help you, sis!
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