Saturday, April 18, 2009

Baby Legs

So why, you may ask, would I do an entire post on Baby Legs? Well there are several reasons...
Reason #1: To tell you this story: Yesterday I was cleaning an amazing 500 sq. ft. home overlooking Alki Beach. It is very interesting cleaning all these houses because you get a small glimpse into all the different lifestyles. People are fascinating, and how some of them live is even more fascinating...let me tell you. Anyway, I come to find out that I am cleaning the home of the designer of "Baby Legs"! Don't know what these are? Check it out: . Pretty cool huh? Now, having a 6 mos. old, I am very aware of what "Baby Legs" are. My nephew has them, and many of my friends little kiddos has them as well. I have always loved them and wanted to get some for Jaxon, but never had a chance to get a pair. She really was a sweet lady, and she handed me two pairs of "Baby Legs" for Jaxon before I left. Needless to say I was thrilled! Now Jaxon is sportin' his own pair of "Baby Legs"!

Reason #2: I love how his little chubby legs look in them. (Not like his legs weren't cute BEFORE I put him in them...but you get the point.)

Reason #3: I love taking pics of baby legs and feet in this was another great excuse.

Reason #4: To document that he loves to play with his feet. In fact he plays with them most of the day. Too bad I didn't catch him sticking his foot in his mouth on camera, cause that too is a normal occurance for him. Gotta love babies!

We're pretty sure he likes them!

1 comment:

Our growing family said...

love the pics!!!!
are both pairs the same color? if not, i think you might just have to devote another blog to them so we can see it too! =)